Category: Track Jackets
The Big Video Of Track Jacket Women – Version 2
Now with more pictures and more videos! I made a video out of a fuckload of images of women in track jackets because why not? There are some videos at the end to pad out the video to the length of the music. If you want a copy of the video, use this link. Maybe download…
Sunday Video
Only one video today, but it is a pretty good one. It is an episode of a Japanese music TV show where singer Kaela Kimura (木村カエラ) appeared in a 70’s Adidas track top (with the collar zipped all the way up) and a pair of baggy sweatpants (!).
Adidas Montreal x2
This is a look at two recent Adidas track jackets, namely the “Adicolor 70s Montreal” and the “Blue Version Montreal”. Both jackets are sort of reinterpretations of the mid-70’s jacket below which was the original “Montreal” jacket, so called presumably because of the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. Neither jacket, however, comes close to the original…
Saturday Pictures (Trackie Girls)
Poll: Yearbook/School Photo
Since all but one person answered they were free to dress however they wanted, we will continue with the school theme! I did wear track jackets to school, but I don’t remember ever wearing one in a yearbook photo, but what about you? Did you ever wear a track jacket in a yearbook photo?
Thursday Videos
Thank you to the people who contributed links to videos!
Friday Pictures (Pink Adidas)
As requested by a reader, here are some pink (though a few of them do look more purple now that I look through the pictures, oh well) Adidas outfits. Featuring an Estonian school girl (the girl with the eyebrow piercing) and a bunch of Firebird girls (including comedian Aisling Bea!). 100% fully zipped up (as…
Comments: You can once again add comments, at least on the new posts. Contact: There’s a new contact form in the menu which you can use to send me messages. I am constantly on the hunt for new videos. If you know of any videos on YouTube or TikTok that might be of interest, please…
Now Is The Time For Track Jackets!
Spring is the perfect time of year for track jackets. Here are some of my favourite ways of wearing a track jacket. More on track top looks here, here, and here.
More Cool Japanese Track Jacket-Looks
The Japanese seem to have a particular knack for coming up with interesting clothing combinations with track tops. Previous installments: here and here. Skirt + Vintage track top = Win! For all I know this could be two guys, but I think the shorter person on the right is a woman. Anyway, awesome look; boots,…