Monday Pictures (Lots Of AI-Photos)

Kind of getting addicted to generating photos and playing around with different things. A frequent visitor wrote in a comment to an earlier post that they did not care for bald women. The thing is, the pictures come out more interesting if there isn’t a lot of hair to deal with. This time I have added some hair in the form of Chelsea-style cuts and mohawks ;-).

<HairTalk>The Chelsea, for the uninitiated, was the go-to hairstyle for female skinheads back in the days. The hair is kept longer at the front (the bangs) and down the sides at the temples and at the lower back. The rest of the hair is buzzed short. A more extreme variant of this style has become popular in some circles, where only the bangs are kept and the rest of the head is either buzzed really short or shaved clean. Quite a cool style, I think. And keeping the bangs makes it a little more feminine compared to a full on head shave.</HairTalk>

Hoop earrings, love them, and earrings in general. Biker jackets. What’s not to love? The collar zipped over the face like a mask. Love the look and it really gets me going. Trying to do the ladies in the photos ethnically diverse (fuck you Trump).

Not watermarking the images this time. However, please DO NOT UPLOAD them to other places. Thank you!






One response to “Monday Pictures (Lots Of AI-Photos)”

  1. SweaterSushi Avatar

    Pretty cool AI pictures. Very Cyberpunk vibes!

    Also, what did you use to create your AI pictures and what are the prompts of it? Just asking.

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