One of the best jackets to come along in the last fifteen years or so was the leather bomber with knit collar. I loved seeing women in those jackets! Unfortunately this particular style of jacket isn’t really available anymore, but that’s where the secondhand market comes in! There were literally hundreds of different brands to chose from with collars that ranged in size from covering just the neck to full head enclosure. The jacket I enjoyed seeing the most was a jacket made by Mango and as it turns out it’s fairly easy to find online.
This jacket is easily recognizable by the four pockets with flaps on the front. There are also two pockets on the upper left arm; one with a snap and one with a zipper. The front zipper and the zipper on the pocket both have ring zip pulls. And then there’s the collar which comes up to the eyes of the wearer (we like that!). Unlike some other jackets which were “faux leather” (aka plastic), this one is lamb leather.
You can usually tell how much the jacket has been used by looking at the collar. If the jacket has been used extensively, like everyday through a season, there will likely be pilling on the inside of the collar.

Two more pictures:

One more:

Moving on to something a bit more luxurious: Prada. Prada did a number of nice jackets with large collars for a while. The one I would always drool over was this jacket:

This jacket is a little harder to come by, but I’ve seen it regularly online. That zip collar is quite the standout feature, but if you like collars that stand up; this isn’t for you as the collar is very loose, it’s really meant to be zipped and then rolled over a few times to make a turtleneck. Anyway, would be very cozy on a cold winter’s day. The model number of the jacket is 280273 or 28Y273 (not sure what the difference is between the numbers; country of manufacture maybe? Or country where it was sold?). Since this is Prada, jackets in good condition will still fetch a decent amount of money, although a lot less than they were originally sold for.
There was also a longer coat-version:

The model numbers I have found are 290180 and 29X180. Again, not sure what the difference is, if any.