Comments: You can once again add comments, at least on the new posts.
Contact: There’s a new contact form in the menu which you can use to send me messages. I am constantly on the hunt for new videos. If you know of any videos on YouTube or TikTok that might be of interest, please use the form to post the links to me!
Forum: You can now register and immediately post to the forum. Since I fucked up earlier and failed to activate the accounts, some people registered multiple times. I have therefore deleted all accounts so we can start afresh. Please register again! And sorry for deleting your account!
Adidas news: It looks like Adidas is finally doing a new track jacket (and track pants) that might be worth buying. It is, like the Adicolor Classics Track Jacket, based on a mid-70’s jacket, called the Montreal (the ’76 Olympics were held in Montreal where it debuted) and so Adidas has called this the Montreal as well. <Moaning>The collar clearly isn’t as wide as on the 70’s jacket. I also don’t get why Adidas have put a “tube”-style collar (same height all the way around) on the jacket. A “wedge”-style collar (lower at the back, higher at the front) would have been much nicer and truer to the original.</Moaning> Still, it’s a nice suit. As of now, it only seems to be available on Adidas’ US site and you have to be an “adiClub member” (just means you have to register as far as I can tell). The jacket is available in Orange or “Craft Orange” as it’s called on the site (product code IK7877) and Green (product code IK7876), but the orange is clearly the one to get. Presumably it will be available in other markets as well soon and when that happens I will pick up the full suit and review it!

Depending on where you live, you may still be able to get the Adicolor Classics. It is an awesome jacket (and suit) and you will love the collar (promise!). I think the pants might be hard to get now, but you should be able to pick up the jacket in black (which you can pair with a pair of black sweatpants like the girl below). More details here.

I may just have to get a biker jacket (no, I don’t have one) so I can replicate this look:

It’s a pretty hot look.
Update (2023-05-03). Here’s the original 70’s jacket:

So: Higher collar, two-way front zip, and I think the zip pulls are nicer as well.
2 responses to “Things”
Can you post more videos/pics of pink adidas outfits?
Can’t promise anything, but I will keep an eye out for pink things.