OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA#8243387 Singer Gwen Stefani joined her family at the park for a birthday party in Los Angeles, California on December 4, 2011. Gwen helped her son Kingston Rossdale with his pizza while Zuma played with toys near by with a nanny to watch over him. Kingston and Zuma also enjoyed playtime with their father Gavin Rossdale with a game of hide and seek before playing fetch with a dog.
Fame Pictures, Inc – Santa Monica, CA, USA – +1 (310) 395-0500#8243369 Singer Gwen Stefani joined her family at the park for a birthday party in Los Angeles, California on December 4, 2011. Gwen helped her son Kingston Rossdale with his pizza while Zuma played with toys near by with a nanny to watch over him. Kingston and Zuma also enjoyed playtime with their father Gavin Rossdale with a game of hide and seek before playing fetch with a dog.
Fame Pictures, Inc – Santa Monica, CA, USA – +1 (310) 395-0500SONY DSC