Month: October 2022
Monday Pictures
Ugh, it’s Monday… Here are some pictures to hopefully brighten up your day a bit.
Sunday Videos
Sunday Pictures
Dug around my archives for unpublished pictures and came up with quite a mix of different kinds of jackets and zip tops. Hope you like it. Here’s how to donate pictures, videos, etc.
Friday Videos
Friday Pictures
A big thank you to the people who have donated pictures, some of which are included in this post! Click on “Donate Files” in the menu to see how you too can donate pictures and other files.
Thursday Videos
What To Buy – October 2022
Your monthly look at items with large zip collars. I’m not going to bother posting links to stores or the prices of the items, since they will likely change over time. Let’s start with “The Ultimate Puffer” by 032c. This is a unisex design and it’s available in three colours: black, white, and a glossy…
Saturday Videos
Zip It Over Your Face! – A Cheaper Option
This is the Cottelli Bondage Dress (product code 27178671021). If you’re in the EU, you can pick it up from lots of different online stores for 65-70 Euros.
Zip It Over Your Face!
If there’s anything I like more than a zip collar, it’s a zip collar that zips over the face!