What To Buy – December 2023

I know I missed the November update (sorry), but here’s a December update to end the year.

Have you been looking for a dress that zips right up to the eyes? Then this is for you! This is the Cute Compulsion Dress by Pressiat.

There’s also a sweater by Pressiat for those of us who like wearing collars zipped up over our faces like masks. It is called the Biker Turtleneck.

Next up; a new Adidas Montreal jacket. This jacket is available in “Collegiate Green” (product code: IP0630) and “Black” (IU2524).

New Adidas Montreal to the left, Adidas Adicolor Classics (which really should have been called the Adidas Montreal as well) to the right. So, changes: The pockets have moved up and the logo has moved to the bottom of the jacket. The collar is obviously shorter (booo, Adidas) and the “Trefoil” zip pull has been replaced with a more “stock”-looking one (not a fan of that either). Still, imho, this is one the best track tops you can buy at the moment.







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