Favourite Track Top No. 1

The Adidas Super FM I believe this is called and it’s a bit of a novelty item because of the collar which is much much larger than almost any other track jacket collar out there made by a mainstream company like Adidas.

Btw, I am wearing the zip hood to hide my face so that I can better show off the jacket, rather than having to rely on weird camera angles in order to not show my face. Makes taking pictures a bit of a challenge though. Noticed the zip on the hood was off in relation to the zip on the jacket. It bugs me a bit, but oh well, can’t be bothered to zip up again.

Collar comes all the way up over the nose. I mostly wear the collar up, but the collar has three pairs of snaps (two at the front, one at the back) which open up for some other style choices (see pictures lower down).
“Selfie” snapped while walking somewhere in 2014. No, it was not to a bank :-).
Cool looking jacket.
Collar snaps down onto itself. Can then either be zipped all the way through like a turtleneck or like this.

A young woman in the jacket:




